How to convince Top Management to invest in cybersecurity and secure software development

I’ve heard many times IT people and Software Developers complaining that they have difficulties to sensibilize their managers to invest more in cybersecurity.

Also some employees of my customers in the cybersecurity consulting area show sometimes frustration when we are talking about priorities of their top management – cybersecurity is almost neveve one until it is too late.

When I talk to C-Level of the organizations that book us for consulting, I am telling them that organizations face an increasing number of cyber threats these days compared to 10-20 years ago  (yes, we are so old).

They have a lot of risks like data breaches, ransomware attacks, and intellectual property theft and their only chance to survive these is to  investing early in robust cybersecurity measures and secure software development practices.

However, convincing top management to allocate resources and invest in these areas is a challenging task for everyone, me included.

Unfortunately, investing in cybersecurity is a bit like investing in a optional insurance: you want it so that you can stay relaxed, but you know you are not forced to buy it, so you try to find the cheapest one that covers more or less your risks. Additionally, you don’t even want to invest much in finding the right one that suits you, because you considered even this time almost a waste. In the end, you do something just for the sake of being able to sleep better, but deep down in your mind you know that you don’t actually know if it will help you if something happens, so you just tell yourself: this will not happen to me. Sounds familiar, right? 🙂


Here are some thoughts that you can expand if you want, that can help you persuade your management to invest in cybersecurity and secure software development.

  1. Understand the Risks and Consequences: Before making your case to top management, thoroughly comprehend the risks associated with inadequate cybersecurity and insecure software. Research recent cyber-attacks and data breaches to present real-life examples of the devastating consequences that organizations have faced. Emphasize the financial, reputational, and legal ramifications that can result from such incidents.
  2. Communicate in Business Terms: Top management is primarily concerned with the organization’s success and business continuity and growth. To effectively persuade them, it is essential to frame your argument in terms of business impact. Highlight how cybersecurity and secure software development directly contribute to the organization’s profitability, customer trust, regulatory compliance, and competitive advantage.
  3. Showcase the ROI of the investment: Present a compelling return on investment (ROI) analysis to demonstrate the financial benefits of investing in cybersecurity and secure software development. Calculate potential cost savings by comparing the expenses associated with preventing a breach to the financial implications of recovering from an attack. Additionally, highlight the positive impact on productivity, customer retention, and brand value that can result from a strong cybersecurity posture.
  4. Address Regulatory Compliance: Many industries (medicine, automotive, software development) have stringent data protection regulations and privacy laws. Highlight the legal and financial risks of non-compliance, such as substantial fines and damage to the organization’s reputation. Explain how investing in cybersecurity and secure software development aligns with regulatory requirements, safeguarding the organization against potential penalties and legal repercussions.
  5. Present Industry Benchmarks and Best Practices: Illustrate industry benchmarks and best practices to establish a standard of excellence in cybersecurity and secure software development. Share case studies of organizations in the same industry that have suffered cyber-attacks or data breaches, emphasizing how investing in security measures could have prevented or mitigated the damage. Highlight recognized frameworks and certifications, such as ISO 27001 and PCI DSS, to demonstrate the organization’s commitment to security.
  6. Present the Threat Landscape: Explain the main cyber threats and the need for investment in cybersecurity. Highlight risks such as ransomware, social engineering, and zero-day vulnerabilities. Illustrate the importance of regular security assessments, penetration testing, and employee training to stay ahead of new threats. Explain that cybersecurity is not a one-time investment but an ongoing process that requires continuous attention.
  7. Come up with a Step-By-Step Plan: Explain how a plan in several steps will help to mitigate the problems without causing too much disruption in the daily business. If business people want to hear anything more often , than it is that it won’t cost too much.
    Tailoring the solution in many steps and matching your company’s needs will also allow controlling the costs involved with the implementation.


Convincing top management to invest in cybersecurity and secure software development requires a strategic step-by-step approach. No business can go all-in because cybersecurity is hard to implement, even harder to maintain and expensive..

Remember to tailor your arguments and plans to the specific needs and priorities of your organization.

With a well-structured and persuasive approach, you can encourage top management to prioritize and allocate resources to safeguard the organization’s digital assets and ensure its long-term success in the face of evolving cyber threats.


If you need help to talk to your management, you can book the consulting services of Endpoint Cybersecurity here.

The post How to convince Top Management to invest in cybersecurity and secure software development first appeared on Sorin Mustaca on Cybersecurity.

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EndPoint Cybersecurity