ISO 27001:2022 and TISAX: overlaps and differences

Contents Toggle Introduction Overview of ISO 27001:2022 Overview of TISAX VDA ISA 6.0 Overlaps between ISO 27001:2022 and TISAX VDA ISA 6.0 Differences between ISO 27001:2022 and TISAX VDA ISA 6.0 Implementation of TISAX Using ISO 27001 Conclusion Introduction ISO 27001:2022 and TISAX VDA ISA 6.0 are two prominent standards in the realm of information […]

Understanding the SOC 2 Certification

Contents Toggle Introduction Comparison of Various SOC Certification Versions SOC 1 (Service Organization Control 1) SOC 2 (Service Organization Control 2) Who Should Certify? Why Certify? What Is Certified? Topics Verified in SOC 2 Certification 1. Security 2. Availability 3. Processing Integrity 4. Confidentiality 5. Privacy Conclusion Introduction SOC 2 (Service Organization Control 2) certification […]

Introduction to CISA’s Secure by Design Initiative

Contents Toggle What is Secure by Design? Who Should Be Interested? Why Is It Important? Focus of the Initiative Topics Covered by the Initiative Development and Implementation of Security Practices Stakeholder Collaboration Regulatory Compliance and Risk Management Implementation and Auditing How to Implement Auditing Responsibility and Governance Who Is Responsible? Governance Conclusion and further steps […]

Implementing ISO 27001:2022 Annex A.18 – Compliance

We started the ISO 27001:2022 series with the promise of explaining how the 14 categories of controls can be implemented. Today we end the series with ISO 27001:2022 Annex A.18, “Compliance”, which addresses the importance of ensuring that organizations comply with relevant laws, regulations, contractual agreements, and other requirements related to information security. This annex focuses […]

Maping NIS2 requirements to the ISO 27001:2022 framework

We described here the process needed to perform a gap analysis for NIS2, but we did not add the details on how to approach this. This article references on the ISO27001:2022 series, especially on the description of the Annex A controls. Make sure you are familiar with the ISO 27oo1:2022 requirements and the with the […]