Product and Project Management

Product and Project Management for Software projects:

  • Define product development and release processes or optimize your current processes that meet your needs.
  • Guide and teach your product teams how to create features that won’t reduce the reputation of your product.
  • MRDs (Market Requirements Documents), PRDs (Product Requirements Documents) and define products.
  • Give engineering teams clear, concise actionable information in a language they understand about customer needs (convert an idea in user stories they can deliver).
  • Prioritize user stories and feature sets into “Must Have”, “Nice to Have” and “Next Release”.
  • Develop short-term and long-term product roadmaps.
  • Capture, analyze and prioritize all requirements.
  • Help and guidance to delivery estimates (waterfall like) or use agile software development methodologies to incrementally deliver value to your customers (using Scrum).
  • Determine what the right Minimum Viable Product is (no, an MVP is not “implement whatever you can until the deadline”).
  • Conduct competitive analysis.
  • Perform customer and market research.
  • Help you ship products without even feeling the stress of a release.

We have many years of experience in using tools like TFS, CVS, SVN, Visual Studio, Bugzilla, Jira , Confluence, and others.